Students who opted for the pre-course eLearning package as part of their CSWIP 3.2 Senior Welding Inspector training have been found to outperform those who did not. Comments made by the eLearning students included that the materials were very user-friendly, useful and good value.
Feedback on the TWI Virtual Academy from students has been excellent since its launch at the end of 2015, but now a direct comparison has empirically proved the effectiveness of TWI’s eLearning service.
Earlier this year, the first CSWIP 3.2 Senior Welding Inspector course to be attended both by students who had taken the eLearning package and those who had not enabled a direct comparison of the two groups’ results for the first time. The eLearning students consistently achieved better results than their non-eLearning counterparts.
Students taking the CSWIP 3.2 Senior Welding Inspector course with TWI have the option of purchasing a pre-course eLearning package. In the UK, the five-day course, including the CSWIP examination, currently costs £1785 plus VAT with the eLearning package, or £1580 plus VAT without it – at £205 plus VAT, the eLearning element represents excellent value for money.
Once bought, students can access online materials in the eLearning package for 60 days. This provides ample time to work through the 12 modules included and gain a solid foundation in the course’s content before attending the classroom element. Doing so can inform and help focus the face-to-face training, allowing students to identify any areas of weakness or uncertainty that can subsequently be discussed with the lecturer.
For more information visit the CSWIP 3.2 Senior Welding Inspector Theory Pre-course eLearning Package course page, where you can access an interactive demo taken from the destructive testing module.
More information about the TWI Virtual Academy and the benefits of eLearning please contact us.